Cult Adventures’ Free Content, Creatures, Tools, Insights and Opinions for DnD 5E
Welcome to our collection of free content, tools, insights, and opinions to help people play and enjoy Dungeons and Dragons (DnD) 5e. We’re a small group who do this with limited time and deep passion. Our free content is prepared to help support and improve DnD 5e homebrew games around the world. We’re open to new ideas and pitches to develop future Adventures, Gear, Magic Items, Creatures Villains, or NPCs.
We hope that you’ll enjoy and find value in what we put out. We’re also really wanting your feedback so please engage and help us get the right stuff out there so we can all truly champion DnD and provide a memorable experience for our parties.
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With appreciation, the Cult Adventures team.

How to Make a Character for D&D 5e
D&D 5e Character Creation Guide In this article, we'll cover how to create player characters, commonly called PCs, in Dungeons & Dragons 5th edition (D&D 5E). We'll cover the many facets of character creation in hopes of helping D&D Players get the...

6 Best Dungeons & Dragons Tips for New Players
We've prepared our 6 Best Tips to help new Dungeons and Dragons players get started. Dungeons and Dragons, also known as D&D, is a popular tabletop role-playing game (TTRPG) that has been around for decades. It’s played by people of all ages and skill levels, and...

Can’t Scale DnD 5E Encounters? Read this for an Easy Method.
Easy tips encounter scaling and balancing based on the number of players for Dungeons and Dragons (DnD) 5e. DnD 5e is usually balanced around a party of 4 players; most material produced for the game is simply designed for that number of players. Let us show you how to change that.

Free DnD 5e Creature: Ancestral Bear Spirit
Free DnD 5e Creature: Ancestral Bear Spirit (CR11)Welcome to our blog where we offer you free DnD 5e gaming advice and free content for any homebrew games. Today we offer you a force of nature, the Ancestral Bear Spirit, a new creature inspired by North American...